C-Plane Vehicle
The convertible plane (C-Plane) is a coaxial tail-sitter UAV that utilizes a propulsion system having a pair of brushless motors in coaxial configuration. During the hover flight, the vehicle is controlled via control surfaces which are submerged in the propeller slipstream. The yaw motion of this configuration is controlled via differential deflection of the ailerons and through of the differential velocity of the two motors, while the parallel deflection of the
ailerons controls the pitch angle. To control the roll motion, the aircraft moves the rudder about the x axis. The altitude of the convertible plane is controlled by decreasing or increasing the combined thrust of the two propellers.
The body-axes system used in hover flight is aligned as follows, the positive x axis points forward and the positive z axis points upwards. In this mode, the body-axes system is used as “roll and pitch”.