Current PhD Students:
Iván González, "Design, construction and control of a helicopter with four rotors", Advisors: J.A. Torres, S. Salazar
Iván Torres Tamanaja, "Modeling and control of a mini-submarine", Advisors: J. Torres and R. Lozano.
Víctor Rosas, "Modeling and control of a vertical takeoff aircraft". Advisors: R. Lozano, J. Torres and J. Escareño.
Zizilia Zamudio, "Stabilization of a helicopter using vision". Advisors: R. Lozano, J. Torres and H. Romero
Erick Eduardo Huesca Lazcano, "Estabilidad de sistemas con retardos: Enfoque de funcionales de tipo completo". Advisor: S. Mondie
Martha Saldivar Belem, "Contribution to the study of delay systems with neutral type". Advisors: S. Mondi and Jean-Jacques Loiseau
Raúl Villafuerte Segura, "Analysis biological systems using EDO by differences". Advisor: S. Mondie
Gilberto Ochoa García, "The Lyapunov matrix for delay systems and its use for the stability analysis". Advisors: S. Mondie and V. Kharitonov.
Blanca Margarita Ochoa Galván, "Stability and instability of delays systems via Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals of complete type". Advisor: S. Mondie.
Eduardo Velázquez Velázquez, "Complete Lyapunov Krasovskii functionals for delay equations type neutral and its applications". Advisors: S. Mondie and Vladimir Kharitonov
Hugo Méndez Delgadillo, "Filtrage basé sur des derivés singulièrement perturbés". Advisor: M. Bonilla
- Dora María Calderón Nepamuceno, "Control of electromechanical systems using fuzzy logic". Advisors: Ruben Garrido and A. Soria Lopez.
Ernesto Flores García, "Application of integral observers to control of electromechanical systems". Advisor: R. Garrido.
Roger Miranda Colorado, "Identification in closed-loop electromechanical systems". Advisor: R. Garrido
- Alberto Canul, "Visual control of robot manipulators using two feedback loops". Advisor: R. Garrido
Miguel Ángel Trujado Cabrera, "Visual control of robots parallel planes". Advisors: R. Garrido and Alberto Soria
Antonio Concha, "Identification of electromechanical systems". Advisor: R. Garrido
Suresh Kumar Gadi, "Modeling, design and construction of an exoskeleton for the upper limbs". Advisors: R. Garrido and R. Lozano
Ricardo López, "Design and control of an exoskeleton for knee". Advisors: S. Salazar, J. Torres, R. Lozano
Eduardo Steed Espinoza, "Design and control of Mini-Rocket Coaxial Unmanned Aerial Vehicle". Advisors: A. Malo and R. Lozano et O. Garcia.
Josue Hernández, "Control of a ground vehicle with obstacle avoidance using vision". Advisors: J. Torres and R. Lozano.
PhD Students in Co-supervision |
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Eduardo Campos, "Tracking control of a mini submarine using vision". Advisor: J. Torres (Mex), R. Lozano (Mex) and V. Cruze (LIRMM-Fr).
Martha Belem Saldívar Márquez, "Control delay systems". Advisors: S. Mondia (Mex) and J. -J. Loiseau (France).
Corentín Chauffeau, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, "Stabilization of a drone catapulted". Advisors: R. Lozano (MEX / France) and S. Salazar (Mex).
- Gerardo Flores-Colunga, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, "Control of a vertical takeoff aircraft using a quad-rotor". Advisors: R. Lozano (MEX / France) and J. Escareño (France).
H. Estrada García, ED STIM, Ensenada, Mexico, "Control of mechanical systems with delays in data transmission". Advisors: C. Moog (France) and L. A. Márquez Martínez (Mex).
A. Garate García, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, "Contribution to the analysis of delay systems: application to the synchronization of network systems". Advisors: C. Moog (France) and L. A. Márquez Martínez (Mex).
Current MsC students: |
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Irandi Gutierrez Carmona, "Control optimo aplicado a la produccion de biomasa en un cultivo continuo de microorganismos", Advisor: J. Torres
- Abraham Efraim Rodriguez Mata, "Observadores no lineales para un cultivo continúo de microorganismos". Advisor: J. Torres
- Nohemí Álvarez Jarquin, "Estabilidad interna de sistemas con conmutaciones controladas por técnicas de sistemas implicitos". Advisor: M. Bonilla.
Héctor Jonatán Hernández, "Control implicito de un helicoptero con un grado de libertad". Advisor: M. Bonilla
Ángel Trujado Cabrera, "PID visual Control of parallel robots". Advisors: R. Garrido and Alberto Soria
Antonio Concha Sánchez, "Comparative study of methods of identification in closed-loop system for a servomechanism". Advisor: R. Garrido
Cesar Montes de Oca, "Identification in closed-loop system of a servomechanism using a digital signal processor". Advisors: R. Garrido and A. Soria López.
Manuel Zúñiga, "Stability of integrated systems and its applications". Advisors: D. Melchor Aguilar and S. Mondie.
Marta Belem Saldívar, "Modelado y analisis de una barra de perforacion: enfoque de ecuaciones diferenciales en diferencias". Advisor: S. Mondie.
Alejandro Samano, "Design and control of a helicopter with eight rotors". Advisors: R. Lozano and R. Castro (Division of Mechatronics)
Edgar Martínez, "Design and control of a quad-rotor controlled by FPGA". Advisors: S. Salazar, Marco A. Moreno (Centre for Computing Research - IPN).
Elba Dolores Antonio Yáñez, "Concepcion de un mini submarino controlado por modificacion del centro de gravedad". Advisors: J. Torres and R. Lozano
Nezahualcoyotl Guadarrama Camarena, "Lyapunov matrix and stability of delay systems". Advisor: S. Mondie.
Josè Jairo Ordaz Jiménez, "Control of nonlinear systems with input delay: A Lyapunov Krasovskii approach". Advisor: S. Mondie.
PhD Thesis Defended
Eduardo Velázquez Velásquez, "Funcionales completas de Lyapunov-Krasovskii para ecuaciones con retardo de tipo neutral y sus aplicaciones". Advisors: S. Mondie and V. Kharitonov. 17 de julio 2008.
Blanca Margarita Ochoa Galván. "Stability and instability of delay systems via Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals of complete type". Advisor: S. Mondie. December 3rd, 2008.
Gilberto Ochoa Ortega, "Calculation of critical parameters for linear systems with delays". Advisors: S. Mondie and V. Kharitonov. October 2sd, 2009.
Raùl Villafuerte Segura, "Stabilization of delay systems: frequency and temporal approach". Advisor: S. Mondie. October 29th, 2010
Hugo Mèndez Delgadillo, "Retroalimentacion singularmente perturbada para subespacios casi de controlabilidad". Advisor: M. Bonilla. June 10th, 2011.
Erik Leal Enrìquez, "Control suboptimo para el clima dentro de un invernadero: cultivo de la lechuga". Advisor: M. Bonilla. June 17th, 2011.
Rosalba Galvan-Guerro, "Linear quadratic optimal control of hybrid systems: theory and applications". Advisor: V. Azhmyakov. February 28th, 2011.
John J. Rincón Pasaye, "Estimacion de fallas en sistemas no lineales: un enfoque algebraico y diferencial". Advisor: Rafael Martinez Guerra. June 30th, 2011.
MsC Thesis Defended
Jesús A. Monroy, "Stabilization of a mini submarine using ultrasonic sensors". Advisor: J. Torres. August 28th, 2011.
Nohemí Álvarez Jarquin,"Estabilidad interna de sistemas conmutados controlados por técnicas de control implícito". Advisor: M. Bonilla. May 20th, 2011.
Eduardo Campos, "Stabilization of a mini submarine using vision". Advisor: J. Torres and R. Lozano. November 17th, 2010.
Gerardo Flores-Colunga, "Design of a vertical takeoff aircraft with four rotors". Advisors: R. Lozano, J. Torres and J. Escareño. August 30th, 2010.
Raymundo Juárez Del Toro, "Aplicación del método de la elipsoide invariante a procesos dinámicos gobernados por ecuaciones diferenciales implícitas". Advisor:--. August 13th, 2010.
Carlos Manuel Pérez Rodríguez, "Estabilidad práctica de una clase de sistemas híbridos: enfoque del elipsoide atractivo". Advisor:--. December 9th, 2010.
Andrés Gerardo Rodríguez Bollain Gotilla, "Synchronization using observers". Advisor: Rafael Martinez Guerra. August 25th, 2010.
Deyanira Hernández Sánchez, "Diagnostico de fallas por medio de observadores". Advisor: Rafael Martinez Guerra. September 24th, 2010.
Juan Luis Mata Machuca, "Observadores para sincronización de sistemas caóticos". Advisors: Rafael Martinez Guerra and Ricardo Aguilar Lopez. July 8th, 2009.
Omar González González, "Control robusto de sistemas no lineales afines mediante el método del elipsoide invariante minimo". Advisor:--. August 21th, 2009.
Manuel Leonardo Mera Hernàndez, "Control robusto de sistemas no lineales afines al tiempo con observaciones discretas a la salida empleando el métdodo del elipsoide invariante minimo". Advisor:--. August 21th, 2009.
Ivan Torres Tamanaja, "Desing and control of a mini submarine" Advisors: J. Torres, P. Castillo and J. Escareño. August 26th, 2009.
Victor José Rosas Vásquez, "Optimización de sistemas monótonos". Advisor: V. Azhmyakov. October 17th, 2008.
Zizilia Zamudio Beltrán, "Optimal LQ Control for hybrid systems in networks". Advisor: V. Azhmyakov. October 12th, 2008
ITL - Torreon
PhD & Msc students:
Luís Arturo García-Delgado, "Cooperative Control of vehicles". Advisor: A. Dzul.
Ricardo Pavel Parada Moreno, "Study of observers in mobile robots". Advisor: A. Dzul.
Arturo Tadeo Espinoza Fraire, "Control of an Airplane". Advisor: A. Dzul.
Rosendo Escareño Ramírez, "Tracking control of ground vehicle using vision". Advisor: A. Dzul.
Joaquín Saucedo Barajas, "Desing and control of an aquatic robot". Advisor: A. Dzul.
Lázaro López Puente, "Study of fly formation of aerial robots" Advisor: A. Dzul.
Saúl Gallardo Cantu, "Stabilization of an helicopter using optical flow". Advisor: A. Dzul.
Jesus María Carrillo Martínez, "Desing and control of a birotor". Advisor: A. Dzul.
Computer Sciences UDLAP - Puebla
PhD Students:
Javier Alfonso Espinosa Oviedo, PhD student INP Grenoble
- Guillermo Parra, PhD student UDLAP
Carlos Manuel Lopez Enriquez, PhD student Grenoble INP - UDLAP
Luis Ángel Montiel Moreno, PhD student UDLAP
- Claudia Pérez Lezama, PhD student UDLAP
- Alejandro Santoyo, PhD student UDLAP
Esteban D. Gutierrez, PhD student Grenoble-INP-U. Pisa - LAFMI
Juan Carlos Castrejón, PhD student ITESM - INP Grenoble
Fernando Uceda Ponga, PhD student UDLAP
Claudia Cruz Pérez, PhD student UDLAP
Ariel Molina Rueda, PhD student UDLAP
Defended on 2009-2011
Leticia Flores Pulido, PhD student UDLAP, June 2011
Víctor Cuevas Vicentin, PhD student INP Grenoble, July 2011.
Alberto Portillo Flores, PhD student INP Grenoble-UDLAP, 2010
Renán Contreras, PhD student UDLAP, 2009
MSc students:
Christian Abrajan, Instituto Tecnológico de Puebla
Sara Iza Parra, UDLAP
Luis Armando Montero Cano, UDLAP
Arturo Montiel Martinez,UDLAP
Pablo Muñiz Botello, UDLAP
Jérome De Cuyper, ITESM - CCM
Defended on 2009 & 2010
Lourdes Angélica Martinez Medina, UDLAP, 2010
Juan Carlos Castrejon, UDLAP, 2010
- Gabriela Montiel Moreno, UDLAP, 2009
Salvador Zalapa, UDLAP, 2009
Carlos Manuel López Enríquez, UDLAP, 2009
Create by C. Castillo