MSc Student
Master project: "Concepcion de un mini submarino controlado por modificacion del centro de gravedad"
Advisors: J. Torres & R. Lozano
This thesis work has been developed with the object of increase the investigation and the experience related to underwater vehicles in LAFMIA (Laboratory French Mexican of Informatic and Automatic) in colaboration with Automatic Control Department of CINVESTAV. This project consist in design and construction of a type of autonomous underwater vehicle denominated as "glider" because glide in the water, with some modifications of those reported in the literature. This work consist basically in the implementation of algorithms of vision and a control of moving internal mass to change pitch angle and the control of two thrusters to change yaw angle of the vehicle in order to follow a line that emulate pipelines on the bottom of the ocean.
Elba Dolores ANTONIO YAÑEZ received the B.S. degree in electronics from BUAP (Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) in 2009, she graduated with the thesis "Modeling and construction of a reaction wheel pendulum". Since then she has been working toward the M. Sc. degree in automatic control at CINVESTAV (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN), México.
She is currently developing a type of autonomous underwater vehicle called "glider" eqquipped with vision as a principal sensor.
This work is part of the underwater vehicles team in the LAFMIA laboratory.
UnderWater Vehicles