Nowadays climate change and the deterioration of the ice poles by cite an example, has exposed a need to study what happens to the ocean’s temperature and the effects that is produced by the pollution of seas.
One powerful tool that has increased the interest of study in the community of researches are the autonomous vehicles. Increase is due to the technology of sensors and computer systems are increasingly more powerful and cheaper. Recently was discovered large quantities of manganese on the shores of Hawaii and this couldn't be possible if not by the underwater exploration using robotic vehicles, one question jump to the air, What else can we find in the deep sea?. In the last century was “too easy” travel to the moon, send a spacecraft to Mars in order to explore that planet and their terrain, but even have not explored yet the whole submarine extension on earth and is due to there are many problems to solve before explore the oceans.
A country that has a great potential to develop underwater vehicles is Mexico because of its geography has a considerable number of rivers and besides it is partially surrounded by two of the largest world's oceans, other example of the importance of the underwater vehicles in Mexico is PEMEX, they use underwater vehicles in the Gulf of Mexico for exploitation of oil wells. These are some of the reasons why the country is a place with conditions to research and develop vehicles; moreover that could be used in civilian-type research, trade and research.
At the present time in the Center for Advanced Studies and Research of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (CINVESTAV-IPN) inside of the French-Mexican Laboratory on Computer Science and Control (LAFMIA-UMI), professors and students have been developing the project named "mini-submarine" that has the next objective.
Design and implement control laws that allow stability in terms of guidance and navigation of autonomous underwater vehicles, in order to achieve this makes use of inertial sensors, vision systems and auto-location systems such as sonar. Thus they develop vehicles having different thrust configurations (4, 5 or 6) depending on the application; these vehicles have an onboard control system that may be the case depending on a microcontroller or an embedded computer.
The scope of this project ranging from use the vehicle as a sensor of contamination in rivers and seas, exploration of hazardous areas, fault detection of pipelines or electricity networks up to the protection of submarine areas restricted.
Students Team:
Ivan Torres Tamanaja, PhD student,
Eduardo Campos, MsC Student,
Elba Dolores Antonio Yáñez, MsC student